Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Avatoru, Rangiroa

Avatoru, Rangiroa

Today’s island was much different than our last few. Rangiroa is a full island atoll.  The volcanic mountain that was in the center has fully collapsed into the sea and the coral growths on the outskirts of the sunken volcano are all that remain. Though only a few feet tall at its highest point, this atoll is huge; it can fit the entire island of Tahiti into the middle of the atoll. It takes one hour through the lagoon via boat to get from one side of the atoll to the other.

Our ship anchored inside the atoll off the shore of Avatoru.  We had to tender to shore which took about 10 minutes. Once there we hopped on a small boat which would take us snorkeling today in an area called The Aquarium.  This area was actually very close to where we were anchored and we had a great view of the ship from the water.


Ty and I were both snorkeling today and even after 3 other stop already, this by far was the best snorkeling we have seen yet.  There were thousands of fish in every variety.  We saw huge, healthy coral formations teaming with colorful fish.  There were sharks, several eels, very large fish that I can’t even identify, and a huge 4 ft barracuda.  We spent over an hour in the water exploring this amazing area.


We then went out through the atoll pass to the ocean side to see some dolphins which were swimming around the pass opening.  These were spinner dolphins and they seemed to like to have fun the boat wakes. Although I couldn’t get any picture of them, they were fun to watch.

After our snorkeling adventure we headed back to the pier to catch the tender to the ship. There was a small craft market set up by locals which we browsed until the tender arrived. 

At sail away I went outside to see if I could catch the dolphins again as we sailed through the pass.  Once we went through the pass there they were frolicking in the wake.  I was on the back starboard side of the ship and they just started jumping through the wake just next to the ship below me.  They put on a great show for us standing there and I was happy to be able to get a few photos.


Well, we have only one more stop to go as we head towards home, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas.

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